Association of Importers
and Manufacturers of Specialized
Machinery — AIPS
Coordination and information center for companies and organizations importing, supplying, servicing and producing construction, road-building, earth-moving, quarry, agricultural, warehouse and other types of special equipment, as well as supplying spare parts, oils and consumables.
By protecting the interests of domestic distributors and dealers of special equipment and developing civilized imports, create conditions for the gradual localization of production and technology transfer.
Objectives of the Association
  • Develop and consolidate rules for conducting business for foreign manufacturers in Russia to protect the interests of domestic distributors and dealers.
    Introduce rules for foreign manufacturers to work on the Russian market. This will protect the interests of the state (not to import any junk, protect users, ensure technology transfer and localization of production), the interests of distributors and dealers (avoid protective duties, protect themselves from
    arbitrariness of producers).

  • Governmental support
    Assisting members of the association in obtaining reduced rates for
    lending for the purchase of machinery and equipment.
  • Obtaining the status of an Authorized Economic Operator
    This status will allow association members to carry out customs clearance of goods with significantly less time and document preparation. (First priority when passing customs procedures, release of goods before payment of duties, several other important advantages).
  • To legislate who is who in the equipment import market
    Develop and legislate clear and understandable criteria - who is the manufacturer, distributor and dealer (for example, through registration in OKVED). Provide clear legal definitions of terms and define their application.
  • Ensuring technology transfer
    Form norms, rules and requirements to create conditions
    technology transfer and localization of production through the civilized development of imports, while protecting the interests of
    domestic distributors and dealers.
  • Reduced import duties and barriers
    Assisting members of the association in reducing import duties
    for certain types of products and equipment.
What does an association member get?
Помощь при взаимодействии с органами государственной власти
Consultations and assistance in the preparation of documentation, official correspondence, preparation and holding meetings with government representatives.
Increasing value of voice/weight in the industry
Applying to government authorities on behalf of an association has a much higher chance that your voice will be heard and the desired result will be achieved.
Assistance in obtaining various types of government support
  • Submitting documents for preferential loans for the purchase of equipment (reducing the cost of the loan)
  • Preparation of draft resolutions to reduce (set) the amount of duties on the import of a certain type of equipment
  • Assistance in preparing documentation for localization of production
Access to statistical industry information
  • Statistics on the import of machinery and equipment
  • Statistics of equipment production in the Russian Federation
  • Current calendar of industry events
  • News digests
  • Access to third-party industry research
Industry events
  • Preferential participation in events held with the participation and support of the association
  • Work to reduce the cost of participation in industry exhibitions for association members
Association functionality
  • Working with government authorities
    • Tracking changes in legislation, discussed bills.
    • Support of government regulations necessary for the industry.
    • Proposal of own legislative initiatives.
    • Assisting association members in interacting with government agencies and regulatory bodies.
  • Monitoring the Information Environment
    • Analysis of industry news - hot topics, issues being discussed.
    • Maintaining a calendar of events - exhibitions, conferences, seminars, adoption of bills.
    • Creating and maintaining a list of experts, journalists and opinion leaders working within our industry.
    • Monitoring of resignations and appointments, birthdays.
    • Posting news and other materials on the association’s website.
    • Conducting industry research.
  • Attracting new association members
    • Sending out information letters inviting participation to major industry players and consumers, holding meetings.
    • Work at exhibitions - visiting the stands of potential participants.
    • Speeches at forums, conferences and other events.
    • Articles and interviews in the industry press and on information platforms.
    • Holding your own events.

Projects and events supported by the association

September 4-6, 2024
St. Petersburg, Expoforum, pavilion F, Peterburgskoe sh., 64/1
Eurasian Construction Technology
Equipment for any task on one site. Only targeted visitors.
You can get detailed information and take part on the website, or send an email to
Information about joining the association

Sending a request

Send an email to the association ( with information about your company (Company name, Taxpayer Identification Number, company website address, contact person, phone number)


Preparation of documents

In response to your letter, you will receive a set of documents (Charter of the association, application for membership, regulations on membership fees, organization questionnaire and others). Please read all the documents, fill out the required ones and send them to us.

Wait for the decision
Decision on admission to the Association
accepted no later than 30 days from the date
admission to the Association of full
set of documents

Pay your membership fee

After approval of the candidate at the general

meeting of the Association Board, is introduced

membership fee to the Association.

Get your certificate
After paying the membership fee, a new
a member of the Association receives a “Certificate
about Membership"
Founders of the association
AIPS was founded by two companies with 100% Russian capital:
LLC "Instroytekhkom"
A diversified Russian company combining assets specializing in the supply, sale and maintenance of special equipment for enterprises from different sectors of the economy: mining and oil and gas sector, forestry and construction industries, agriculture, logistics centers and trading enterprises, rental companies, etc. In total, the company’s structures employ more than 1,500 specialists.
JSC "RussVystavka"
Russian company providing services
organizing and holding major exhibitions,
events, conferences, including those with international participation. Provides consulting services and conducts industry market research for its clients.

Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Specialized Machinery — AIPS

By protecting the interests of domestic distributors and dealers of special equipment, and by developing civilized imports, create conditions for the gradual localization of production and technology transfer.

Phone: +7 (495) 927-49-07

Address: 123056, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 30A, building 1, office 107