Regulated industry statistics
According to Kontur-Compass (SKB Kontur) data as of December 2023, among the confirmed companies engaged in the wholesale trade of machinery and equipment with revenues of 100 million rubles or more:
  • 300+
    Companies operating in the field of import and sale of special equipment on the Russian market.
  • 23 000+
    Employees involved in the company's work processes.
  • 1,7+ trillion rub
    The total revenue of the companies in 2023 was.
  • 27+ billion rub
    Paid as VAT in 2023.
  • Source of data on sales statistics: Businessstat
  • Source of company data: SKB Kontur

Why is importing equipment vital?

In the commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation, the share of machinery, equipment and vehicles in 2021 was 49.3%
Historically, in the main areas of economic development of the Russian Federation, machinery and equipment from foreign manufacturers are used. For example, foreign-made equipment is widely used in the extractive industries, while in the commodity structure of Russian exports the share of mineral products, metals and wood in 2021 was 76.4% or $376,976 million.

The shortage of equipment and interruptions in the supply of spare parts directly affect the country’s economy. The events of the last two years have exposed a serious problem with supplies, and, despite significant improvements in terms of the production of domestic equipment, Russia will not be able to do without supplies from abroad for a long time.

  • Smooth functioning of the economy

    Supply of equipment is vital necessary for uninterrupted functioning strategically important sectors of the economy Russia

  • Technical


    Importers are not only import equipment, but also its after-sales technical service, supply of spare parts parts and consumables,

    training of specialists, maintaining repair and warehouse infrastructure throughout territory of the Russian Federation

  • Localization and transfer


    Importing companies are necessary base platform for localization of foreign production in Russia. They're in

    first of all are initiators of the transfer

    production to the territory of the Russian Federation

  • *Data for 2023 up to and including November
  • Source of production data in units: Rosstat
  • Source of data on volume in rubles: Interfax
Existing problems of imported equipment
The departure of large foreign manufacturers and suppliers from the Russian market led to not only problems with the availability of equipment, but also its maintenance, supply of spare parts, etc.
  • 1
    Supply of new equipment
    The need to find new suppliers is complicated by the language barrier and lack of reputation among new suppliers - any purchase is a big risk.
  • 2
    Exchange rate difference
    The cost of purchases has increased significantly in the context of an increase in the exchange rate of foreign currencies
  • 3
    Lack of service centers for new suppliers
    Equipment from China is supplied and sold without technical maintenance, and there are no competent specialists on site
  • 4
    Customs clearance
    Technical and accompanying documentation in Chinese and its low quality led to problems with customs clearance of equipment
  • 5
    Range of spare parts
    New suppliers do not have a common nomenclature, spare parts catalogs or common production standards. It is necessary to look for trusted suppliers and control the quality of each batch.
  • 6
    The service has stopped
    Large foreign suppliers have stopped servicing the existing fleet of equipment
  • 7
    Lack of spare parts
    It is necessary to supply spare parts for a huge fleet of existing foreign equipment - to look for manufacturers of compatible spare parts and units through trial and error.
  • 8
    Documentation problem
    Incomplete or incorrect technical documentation, translation difficulties
  • 9
    Training and certification stopped
    International certification centers have stopped working in Russia. Reduced quality of technical training and qualifications of specialists.

Industries directly dependent on the supply of special equipment, machinery and transport:

Natural resources

Extraction and transportation of minerals by mine and open pit methods
Excavators, bulldozers, front loaders,
mining dump trucks
Oil production and transportation gas, pipeline construction and service infrastructure
Pipelayers, bulldozers, excavators, frontal loaders, all-terrain vehicles
Logging and wood processing
Harvesters, forwarders, all-terrain vehicles

Construction and infrastructure

Road construction
High speed highways,
railways, transport hubs
Bulldozers, excavators, rollers, front loaders, pavers
Infrastructure construction
Airports, dams, industrial sites
Bulldozers, excavators, rollers, front loaders, pavers
Housing construction and
public utilities

Cranes, excavators, bulldozers, loaders, freight transport, snow removal and repair equipment, emergency vehicles


Agricultural machinery
Tractors, combines, mowers, seeders,
trailer equipment, freight transport

Service organizations

Supply of spare parts, oils, industrial and agricultural tires, service and technical
maintenance, repair and restoration of equipment
Areas of work of companies affected by imports
Importers and Distributors
They search for suppliers and select samples of machinery and equipment, finance the purchase and localization of equipment. supply of spare parts and service
Manufacturers in the Russian Federation
Carry out aggregate assembly of equipment, machines and other products from imported machine kits, spare parts and consumables
Equipment owners
  • Road construction companies, road and infrastructure construction
  • Oil and gas sector, construction of gas and oil pipelines
  • Mining companies
  • Agriculture and forestry
Service companies
  • Maintenance - repair of the existing fleet of foreign-made equipment
  • Spare parts Purchase and supply of spare parts from China and other countries for subsequent resale in Russia
Transport companies
They carry out international transportation and delivery, including oversized cargo and equipment to hard-to-reach regions of our country.
Financial organizations
  • Lessors, credit and financial organizations (banks) providing leasing and financing services for the purchase of equipment
  • Insurance companies providing equipment and cargo insurance

Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Specialized Machinery — AIPS

By protecting the interests of domestic distributors and dealers of special equipment, and by developing civilized imports, create conditions for the gradual localization of production and technology transfer.

Phone: +7 (495) 927-49-07

Address: 123056, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 30A, building 1, office 107